Walking on the Full Spectrum of Christianity

The need to pass through redemption, restoration, and ultimately reformation

The name Christian was derived from the Latin word ‘Christianus.’ Its literal meaning is a follower of Christ. This name was given to the early followers of Christ: “And it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians.” (Acts 11: 26)

Here are the questions we should all answer:

  1. “What does following Christ wholeheartedly mean?”
  2. How far one should go to be a true Christian?”
  3. “Where does the full distance of Christianity end?”

The follow-up questions to consider:

  • Does it mean just ACCEPTING Jesus as a Savor, and that is it?
  • Does it entail FOLLOWING His example?
  • Does it also require to be ONE with Him?

Depending on whom you ask and at the stage where they’re in their Christian journey, you may find different answers.

AHM considers REDEMPTION -> RESTORATION -> REFORMATION as a full SPECTRUM of Christianity:

1. Redemption.

Many Christians assume that since they accepted Jesus as a savior, they’re off the hook. They become Christians to get rid of sin and condemnation. And therefore, they stop at redemption.

Yes, this stage alone is worth taking.

However, redemption is a gateway. It is not a destination by itself…

Stopping at becoming a Christian for namesake wasn’t what Jesus, for that matter, the early Christians envisioned.

Unfortunately, we see many Churches that don’t teach beyond redemption. They don’t empower their congregation to keep advancing on the spectrum of Christianity.

Of course, we have to give them credit. They’re doing a great job of bringing people to the door. But they’re not enabling their people to get in and enjoy what the rest of the house offers.

Don’t misunderstand me. If the call for that church or spiritual leader is evangelism, they’re fulfilling their mandate. Nonetheless, they should create coalitions with other churches and spiritual leaders to empower the Christians they brought to Jesus. They should have holistic teachings that enable them to advance on the spectrum of Christianity.

Let me ask you. Personally, where are you? If you have a church or a ministry, where are your people? Are they at the gate or are they advancing?

2. Restoration.

Getting riding of sin consciousness and overcoming self-condemnation is mandatory. It is a prerequisite to enjoy the benefits of entering into the Kingdom of God. Redemption allows us to feel guilt-free and fellowship with our Father as free sons and daughters.

However, we shouldn’t stop at redemption. We should restore our bodies and renew our minds. We should also restore our souls that have been battered by our past guilt trip.

Jesus didn’t just redeem us by making Himself a substitute. He restored us to our former glory, which we lost following the fall of the first Adam.

What are you doing as a person or a church/ministry to restore yourself to the former glory?

3. Reformation.

Renewing our minds and restoring our souls, and starting to enjoy its fruits is true Christian living. We need a renewed mind that sees beyond the horizon. We need a renewed mind that empowers us to conquer new heights both in our personal, career, and business lives. We should have a soul that loves, forgives, and pursue its assignment on earth.

Nonetheless, restoration isn’t destiny by itself. It is a manifestation of our redemption plus what we’ve been doing since we got rid of sin-consciousness. We should keep evolving (reforming) ourselves beyond where the 1st Adam left before his fall. Jesus went beyond what the 1st Adam achieved before the fall. We too should continue to evolve in our spiritual growth till we become one with God.

  1. At the end of His earthly ministry, after finishing the race and fulfilling His Mandate, Jesus said: “It is Finished!” (John 19: 30)
  2. Paul did the same but said it differently: “I have fought the good fight, I have FINISHED the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:6)

Of course, you and I, if we have finished our race, we’d be here on earth right now.

Where are we on this journey?

  • Have we identified our God-given purpose, and begun pursuing it? Paul acted as soon as he knew his God-given mandate on earth: “When God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia.” (Galatians 1: 15 – 17) He didn’t pursue his desires. He never wavered and hesitated to pursue his mission on Earth.
  • Are we making progress and growing to be like Jesus? Paul didn’t stop at redemption once he got rid of sin-consciousness. He continued the journey on the spectrum of Christianity. He transformed his life and became like Christ. That was why he boldly said: Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1)
  • Are we aiming to be perfect like the Father? Jesus set the target for us. Though He knew His followers were just starting, He uplifted their expectations and pointed them to the destination- to become like the Father, PERFECT. He commanded: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) While on earth, Jesus walked the full spectrum of ‘Christianity’ to set an example. He evolved in their very eyes and ultimately utter this powerful statement: “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) Are we advancing forward toward perfection? Do we aim at becoming ‘one with Christ and the Father’?

I’ve a disclaimer here. By the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, can we become perfect like the Father and become one with Him and His Son during our lifetime? Everyone answers this question to himself and herself. Some of us may think this is pride and arrogance. I hear you.

But we at AHM will try to emulate Jesus and finish our course while alive. That is also what we teach others. Will we get there isn’t the question? The question is do we have a target? We have the target Jesus set and Paul followed, that is, to finish the race and become like Jesus…

AHM emphasizes this process. We believe in the need to walk on the full spectrum of Christianity:

1. Redemption,

2. Restoration, and

3. Reformation.

Our blogs, articles, teachings, and programs aim at empowering the people God sends our way to walk on the full spectrum of Christianity.

To accomplish our mandate, we tap into:

  • The teachings and works of Jesus,
  • Christians before us,
  • Scientific discoveries,
  • Transferable wisdom from other religions, and
  • The fruits of science and our civilization such as technologies including AI…

If you share our mission, don’t hesitate to reach out via [email protected] and/or [email protected] We would like to hear how you would like to contribute your share. We always look for those who would like to join our:

  • Board of Directors
  • Accountability Board
  • Leaders
  • Volunteers

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