Science and Spirituality

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Can Science Prove or Disprove the Existence of God?

The Big Bang theory was one of the most startling scientific discoveries that threw off many giant atheist scientists of the time.

This idea first surfaced at a scientific forum in 1931. In his paper, Georges Lemaître- a Belgian cosmologist and Catholic priest- discussed this idea for the first time.

Back then, this theory was very radical for the scientific community.

Now, most scientists buy into the Big Bang theory.

As you can imagine, atheist scientists:

  1. Had their field days before the emergence of this theory.
  2. Were comfortable with the governing belief that the universe is infinite.
  3. Led an easy career life.
  4. Could easily explain so many mysteries with ease.

Those field days ended with the advent of the Big Bang theory. Sorry guys 🙂

They couldn’t ignore that matter, space, energy, and time had beginnings…

The big follow-up question was: ‘If these finite beings had beginnings, then who brought them forward in the first place?’ They couldn’t logically bring forth themselves, could they? NO!

Of course, the answer to these questions may vary, depending on whom you’re asking.

Regardless of their religious affiliations, those who believe in God know who authored these fundamental elements of the universe. For us, God is the Cause who didn’t need a cause to exist. He brought forth the finite universe into existence.

So far, the scientific community isn’t yet on the same page about who the Cause was…

Regardless, finding a scientific person- let alone a credible scientist in any field- who wonders whether the universe has a beginning is rare.

Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow of the Goddard Space Institute captured the scenery in his book ‘God and the Astronomers,’:

“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story [finite cosmic beginning] ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

Theologians! They:

  • Didn’t and still don’t have proof of God’s existence that they could display in their churches.
  • Only have had faith that He exists and caused the coming picture of the universe and life in it.
  • Couldn’t, can’t, and won’t formulate a mathematical formula or cook an experiment to explain away their faith in a living God.

Regardless, at the end of the day, science came around and joined theologians to believe that the universe had a finite beginning. The universe didn’t:

  1. Just show up of its own volition.
  2. Create itself infinitely.
  3. Cause its existence without assist from outside of itself.

The universe had an intelligent Cause is no longer a serious debate among serious thinkers. Most credible scientists believe that the intelligent Cause gave the universe purpose and meaning. It enabled her to contain and sustain life in it.

The only difference between theologians and atheist scientists is who that intelligent being is.

Theologians believe that the Infinite and Intelligent Being is God. Nonetheless, they can’t prove the existence of God using mathematical formulas or lab experiments…

Science should quickly take a stand whether it can generate a credible mathematical formula or a believable laboratory experiment to prove or disprove God.

Let’s be honest: As far as science is confined to the physical and depends only on what can be seen, there is no hope for science to prove or disprove God. It is just an illusion. It doesn’t have the necessary elements.

It has to either:

  • ‘Leave’ the physical and metaphysical and engage the spiritual, or
  • Leave it to other institutions willing to do so.

Otherwise, how can science with the current spiritual evolutionary progress we’ve made so far able to get in touch, investigate, and report back the existence or the non-existence of a Spiritual Being who resides in the spiritual universe?

If you’re a believer and your faith is diluted because of some half-baked scientific theories that deny the existence of God, should you risk it and wait for science to prove the existence or non-existence of God? You have limited time here in this physical universe.

You shouldn’t…

Theologians are ahead of scientists when it comes to spirituality. It may take time for science to catch up.

At the end of the day, I hope that science will finally admit that proving or disproving God is out of its scope.

In the coming years, decades, and centuries, I hope that most scientists will focus on the physical and metaphysical to enrich human existence in this universe using their God-given minds and talents. Likewise, it is my hope that theologians too will focus on the spiritual and stop undermining (demonizing) the products of mind and science.

The best scenario, I believe, that God desires for all of us is for the two institutions (religion and science) to complement one another, to serve the purpose of God and the well-being of humanity by creating synergy.

Pope John Paul II once said this beautifully: “Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.

What are your thoughts on this? Share with us your comments. Give us feedback…


AHM believes the importance of science and religion complementing each other. 

  • Science has a significant role in our existence both in the physical and metaphysical realms.
  • Scientific discoveries made the dissemination of the Gospel much easier.
  • God gave us the mind to explore the physical and metaphysical universes, create, and innovate like our Father, the greatest creative genius of all.
  • Science can assist in improving our earthly existence giving us enough time, energy, health, and tools so that we have also enough time and resources to finish our SOUL’s spiritual journey in this universe.
  • Science isn’t meant to be against religion, and vice versa.
  • Religion and science aren’t mutually exclusive.

If you share our mission, don’t hesitate to reach out via [email protected] and/or [email protected] We would like to hear how you would like to contribute your share. We always look for those who would like to join our:

  • Board of Directors
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Science and Spirituality aren’t mutually exclusive

You don’t need to be a science historian to recognize that the founders of natural science were believers. Here are some of the early scientists who believed in God:

  • Robert Boyle,
  • Antoine Lavoisier,
  • Isaac Newton,
  • Michael Faraday, and
  • James Clerk Maxwell, to name a few.

These men laid the foundation for modern science.

Their belief in God didn’t stop them from using their minds. On the contrary, it led them to investigate and come up with groundbreaking discoveries that transformed human existence on Earth radically…

CS Lewis brilliantly articulated the very reason why these brilliant believers committed their lives to science: “Men became scientific because they expected Law in Nature, and they expected Law in Nature because they believed in a Legislator.”

Unfortunately, some latecomers like Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking didn’t see the wisdom of the founders.

Sadly, many people including believers were deceived and followed these scientists and drop their spirituality. They were told believing in an intelligent God who is personal is a delusion.

Scientists such as Dawkins and Stephen created doubt in many Christians. They made them question the relevance of spirituality. And as a result, many made a choice to only follow science assuming that the two are mutually exclusive.

I don’t blame them. The Church has been teaching as if the two are mutually exclusive. No wonder why many Christians walked away to never look back. They concluded that the Church is outdated and irrelevant.

We at AHM believe that the two complement one another. We need both spirituality and science to succeed in the physical and spiritual universes. John Paul II was right when he said: “Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.”

We were created to rule and govern the universe representing God. He endowed us with a creative mind and resilient spirit. He wouldn’t have wasted His time and resources if we didn’t need the MIND.

For that matter, He gave us mind, not just spirit, because He wanted us to overcome the challenges we face. God as a CREATIVE Genius imparted to us creativity by giving us a powerful mind other creations don’t have for a strong reason. We are entitled and well-equipped to advance our civilization using our minds and tapping into our spirituality.

We strongly believe that the future of humanity, its survival, and advancements are in the hands of those who evolve spiritually. These scientists have a better capacity to envision, tap into the unseen world, and bring forth new discoveries to take us to the next level of civilization. These believers have comparative and competitive advantages over those who don’t believe in the existence of God and the spiritual world.

Yes, those who don’t believe in God can still do great things using their minds alone. We honor them, and we’re grateful! However, they could do even better if they complement their minds with their spirits. They’re leaving lots of unlimited resources and supernatural help on the table…

That is why we’re committed to integrating Science and Spirituality. Expect more blogs, books, videos, and programs on this in the coming weeks and months. To learn more about our BELIEVE Statement and how we plan to integrate the two, click here…

Leave your comment and let us know what you think about this. Don’t hesitate to reach out via [email protected] if you have any questions or if you would like to be part of this movement…