Rejoice on your season of ‘Saturday’

On Friday, while still on the cross and in pain, Jesus knew what was going to happen in the next three days. On the other hand, His disciples, regardless of His efforts to prepare them, they forgot all about it. They remained worried, and even frightened.

They spent the second day, Saturday, full of despair and hopelessness. Jesus, however, on Saturday, He was busy doing the very reason why He came on earth. He was also looking forward to Sunday. He couldn’t wait to meet His disciples to announce the victory, the restoration of humanity.

How are you spending your ‘Saturday’? You may be in despair and hopelessness in this season of your personal life and/or professional and/or relationship and/or business lives.

But, don’t forget that God is busy doing lots of things in your favor and in the background. Don’t forget that He doesn’t sleep nor slumber. He is your shepherd.

Be expectant that your full restoration is hours, maybe days, or may be some months away. It doesn’t matter how long. Your ‘Sunday’ is coming, coming soon.

Don’t give up. Rather, rejoice as you pass through in this seemingly hopeless season of yours. You cannot please God without faith. You don’t need to wait till ‘Sunday’, until you see your resurrected and restored situation to celebrate. Tap into your faith. Begin celebrating, you’re restored!!!

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