Claim your innate nature and reside in your native universe

At your core, you don’t have a beginning and an end. You were with Him before the foundation of the world. You’re eternal.

No question. Your body with its voice- ego, will decay with time and finally dies, not you! You need this physical body to be legitimate in this physical universe. You’re in this world but not of this physical world.

Your true self isn’t in the physical world. Your true self is god and doesn’t test death. You are the son or daughter of God who shared His glory with you. You’re the image of the everlasting King who is supreme in all the universes that exist.

Of course, you decide how you view yourself: As a body that decays at the end of the day or an eternal spirit? You can test how you view yourself. Are you thinking, feeling, behaving, and acting as an eternal being free of the fear of death or a biological accident vulnerable to the outside world? Are you limited to the physical universe or are you transcendent residing well beyond this universe?

If you fall from grace right now and living below your class, it is okay. Decide today to return to your innate nature. Decide right now to live in your native spiritual universe well beyond this universe.

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