Honor the mission of your Soul

Ask Jesus and He will tell you that the most expensive item in the physical universe is the soul. Don’t trust your body’s voice in the mental world, your ego. It only thinks that reality is what can be percieved with the sense organs that are feeding it with barages of information. He thinks everything is all about the universe and the body that it represents while residing in the mental world. Very limited in its scope and perspectives.

Don’t believe people who may not have any clue about their own eternal assignment, let alone to help you figure out yours 🙂

Listen to the majestic being, which resides in your spirit. Your soul emerged from eternity to time, according to the Divine timeline, not for mundane cause. Your cause isn’t what you, your ego, think. It isn’t based on who you think you’re, and your physical conditions and abilities in the past or now. It isn’t based on what other people think you are and what they think you should do with your life.

Take time to pray, meditate, and visualize until you come in contact with your purpose. When you discover it, you will know it. It isn’t something you invent. It is not to benefit you alone. It isn’t also to feed your ego, and what the world thinks is popular and acceptable. It is bigger than you. It will benefits a greater number of people well beyound yourslef and the people you care about.

Once you discover it, honor the very cause that caused your soul to emerge from God to time and space in this generation at this time! Demonstrate commitment till it is fulfilled.

The rest isn’t your job. Ask Jesus, who had the most challenging generational assignment that required to die on a cross the most shameful manner, and He will gladly break the news to you that the Father in you, the Father of all spirits, will do the work. You are His vessel and Ambassador. His Kingdom resides in you.

You cannot accomplish the assignment of your soul, the mandate your soul accepted from God, with your body, mind, and earthly resources alone. You need the engagement of the Spiritual universe and celestial beings in It.

Make sure you constantly grow spiritually to be used, to remain connected with the Spiritual universe, and collaborate with God and His companions to fulfill the mandate of the soul…

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